Saturday, November 16, 2013

Week 5

Host: Angrod Losshelin
Guest: Haack Mah

Download Here

Topic One: Rubicon WH changes

Subsystem Changes - AWESOME

SMA's Dropping Stuff- MORE AWESOME

This leads smaller corporations to up their defenses, especially since their Marauder changes.

Topic Two: Eve-Bet and Haack Mah

Eve Bet and their aw3some Sauce. Some nice Aussies and thier quest for domination of your ISK! Na, just kidding. But they will let you gamble on just about everything.

Topic Three: WH Research Resources and Websites


Wormhole Fundamentals - Wormhole Fundamentals

Down the Pipe PodCast -

Eve Planets - Eve Planets

Siggy - Siggy


  1. As a retired wormhole player, I like your podcast becuse t offers valuable information for people who want to start out.

    You could increase the volume of your recordings though. They are consistently very low volume up to the point of being hard to understand.

  2. Thanx for the plug for Down the Pipe Podcast --- Spear (that other co-host you can't remember)

    1. You are more than welcome, sorry about the brain fart, it happens to us all :)
